One of the groups most at risk of dehydration are pregnant women, especially during the first trimester, since most also have to deal with nausea and vomiting. Unfortunately due to dehydration cycle again occur, nausea and vomiting caused by dehydration so that pregnant women do not get the nutrients, fluids and vitamins needed to stay healthy and enough amniotic fluid for baby to grow optimally. Therefore, mothers with early signs of dehydration should be taken seriously. If you are pregnant, be sure to drink mineral water at least one glass every hour because of mineral water is very beneficial for pregnant women.
What are the greatness of white water especially for pregnant women:
1. Prevent dehydration
The human body has a mechanism in maintaining the balance of water intake, one of them is a sense of thirst. For pregnant women, especially those who stepped on third trimester, dehydrated more easily experienced. Burning sensation caused by the enlarged surface of the body makes sweat out more than usual. The characteristics of mild dehydration your body:
• Urine orange, yellow or cloudy followed by a strong scent.
• mild headache.
• Mouth and throat felt dry.
• Nausea and felt like vomiting.
2. Streamlining the flow of blood.
Most of the components in the human body, in the form of cells and tissues, not only contain water but is continuously covered by water. Cells of the body including the circulatory need water to function properly. When water demand is not met, the body will 'suck' water from the body's own components, starting from the closest component of blood. Because the water in the blood is sucked to the purposes of the body, blood becomes thicker so that travels through the body to be not smooth. With the entry of water into the body, blood will need adequate water, the flow of blood to the body of the mother and fetus will pass by itself.
3. Preventing preterm labor.
Preterm labor is closely related to dehydration. Because the three-trimester severe dehydration can trigger contractions. As a result of preterm labor ensued. Mineral water will help to you body of fluid needs, and help you consume the nutrients flowing through the blood to the fetus. So that the fetus was getting nutrition he needs.
What are the greatness of white water especially for pregnant women:
1. Prevent dehydration
The human body has a mechanism in maintaining the balance of water intake, one of them is a sense of thirst. For pregnant women, especially those who stepped on third trimester, dehydrated more easily experienced. Burning sensation caused by the enlarged surface of the body makes sweat out more than usual. The characteristics of mild dehydration your body:
• Urine orange, yellow or cloudy followed by a strong scent.
• mild headache.
• Mouth and throat felt dry.
• Nausea and felt like vomiting.
2. Streamlining the flow of blood.
Most of the components in the human body, in the form of cells and tissues, not only contain water but is continuously covered by water. Cells of the body including the circulatory need water to function properly. When water demand is not met, the body will 'suck' water from the body's own components, starting from the closest component of blood. Because the water in the blood is sucked to the purposes of the body, blood becomes thicker so that travels through the body to be not smooth. With the entry of water into the body, blood will need adequate water, the flow of blood to the body of the mother and fetus will pass by itself.
3. Preventing preterm labor.
Preterm labor is closely related to dehydration. Because the three-trimester severe dehydration can trigger contractions. As a result of preterm labor ensued. Mineral water will help to you body of fluid needs, and help you consume the nutrients flowing through the blood to the fetus. So that the fetus was getting nutrition he needs.
4. Discard the bacteria from the kidneys.
Fluid in the body is a medium of transportation of waste for disposal out through urine. In pregnant women, the enlarged uterus causes some urine is retained when urinating. It's dangerous! Because the residual urine is a place to breed bacteria. With enough mineral water to drink, then water can clean toxic waste from different parts of the body will be brought to the kidneys for disposal. Drinking mineral water can reduce the risk of kidney stone disease. The kidneys work hard to do blood screening. Lack of water can damage the kidney system, so the urine is deposited in the body can poison the body including the fetus.
5. Preventing Constipation
Some say mineral water acts as a purgative for the digestive tract. Right! For mineral water was smooth intestines. Moreover, the majority of pregnant women complain of constipation. Mineral water could be the answer to this complaint in addition to the importance of consumption of fibrous foods. Food that enters the body will be digested and run smoothly if there is adequate fluid intake. If you are less liquid, small and large intestine will still be working, but fluid from the stool will be absorbed to maintain in order to stay hydrated. As a result, bowel movements you experience any problems.
Thus, pregnant women are strongly encouraged to drink mineral water every day to get all the benefits, because it is healthier for mother and fetus