Is it important to human health? on human health is a major part in this world, if man is not healthy then the effect on the destruction of this earth. Healthy is not only judged by mere physical health, but spiritual health has an important part in controlling our behavior to give health to the body.
Maintaining health is the first attempt to do, because by maintaining our health can be protected from illness. Many ways to maintain health, ranging from exercise, eating nutritious foods, eat foods vitamin, regular breaks and avoid environmental conditions that is easily spread the virus into our bodies.
In addition to maintaining physical health, we are also required to maintain spiritual health. How do I maintain the spiritual health? Spiritual health at its core is the soul and peace of mind, if the soul and the mind is calm then we will be spared from stress and defresi.
Health should be introduced to our children, our brothers, so in the future health is a major part in this life. You are rich because of healthy, a successful because of your healthy, you can go around the world as healthy, you have a wife and children as well. That is the importance of health in human life, let's Campaign " health for human"