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Headache Alert | Health Center

Headache, dizziness or laymen call it, is a disease that affects many people. An estimated 90 percent of men and 95 percent of women had experienced headache.

According to Dr. Senjaja Muliadi SpS, neurologist from the RS Medistra Jakarta, head pain can be defined as discomfort in the top of the head of the eye or forehead to the back of the head.

"Pain is head of the most widely experienced by patients who come to the clinic is usually a tension type headache (tension headaches). Usually this type of drug is harmless and simply rest or paracetamol," said Dr. Senjaja in the seminar "Pain Management" held Tirtayu Healing Center in Jakarta, Saturday (29 / 1).

Nevertheless, he said, sometimes headache arise as a result of serious medical problems such as tumors or bleeding in the lining of the brain.

"Beware of severe headache, sudden and progressive or the longer the pain got worse," he said.
To make a diagnosis, the doctor will usually perform a physical examination and examination penunjuang such as laboratory tests or CT scan head if necessary.

"Recurrent headaches, recurrent and do not cause nausea, vomiting and mild intensity headache usually is caused by stress or fatigue,"
READ MORE - Headache Alert | Health Center

Stay Slim Even like to eat rice

Main meal most people of Asia is rice, we can not deny it. So rather than struggling desperately to avoid these foods to prevent obesity, you better make peace with him. By choosing the right type of carbohydrates, you can keep full, increase energy, to burn calories. You just have to follow four basic rules in order to continue to enjoy carbohydrates, and make the body stay slim.

Select the right type of carbohydrate
First of all, you need to select the right type of carbohydrate in order to maintain weight. In this case, you need to select the type of carbohydrates resistant starch (RS), which contain soluble fiber. Unlike other carbohydrates are digested quickly, or at least digested more slowly (as in brown rice), RS can directly enter the small intestine without completely digested.

RS can be found in whole grain products (oats, cereal, wheat bread, brown rice, and wheat pasta), beans, and fruits are not ripe well, such as bananas. Cooking and allow to cool before consumption of carbohydrates can also increase its RS content to 5 percent, such as white rice, sushi rice, pasta salad, boiled potatoes or salad.
Balance your plateWho can enjoy beef ribs a mixture of eggplant, tuna, and corn meatball without rice? If you really can not eat without rice, can just enjoy the rice with side-fish. Condition, just to balance the composition on your plate. Rice should only occupy a quarter section of your plate, while three-quarters of the remainder can be filled with foods that can help you lose weight, such as lean meats, low-fat dairy products, vegetables, nuts, and fish that contain fat-fish healthy, and fruits.

Reduce portions
Connecting the concept of the composition of the dishes on top, you can still eat rice or other carbohydrates at each meal. However, you should reduce the portions. For example, if during the day you need to eat a little more, you can only eat a little rice in the morning and evening. Reduce meat portions too. Do not like brown rice? It may anyway, still eating white rice. The key is just reduce the portions, really.

Do not hinder yourself
You like to eat chocolate cake, donuts, or potato chips? No need to be hostile to all this food at all. Because, if you are blocking yourself from your favorite foods, eventually you'll only those food cravings, even in higher numbers. You can still eat them, but only to satisfy curiosity, not to make your stomach full. So a little piece of donuts with powdered sugar topping the hell, okay. Remember that these foods, including potato chips, high in calories. Not to mention the other raw materials on the cake which can raise cholesterol levels.

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5 reasons that are not successful diet

Still desperate to rid rice and other types of carbohydrates from your diet? Think again. According to health experts, a diet low in karbo not going to take place in the long term. The nutrition experts agree that most people would be addicted karbo, and if you eliminate these foods from your diet, you will charge more. Want to know the reason why a diet low karbo more failure?

Makes you sad and stressed
A study conducted by Australian researchers studied the behavior of 106 people who are dieting, for a year. Half of them were on the diet rich in carbohydrates, while the rest apply the low-carb diet. After a year, eating karbo was feeling happier, calmer, more focused, while the group that avoids karbo feel stressed. This is because carbohydrates increase the setting mood, reduce stress causes a chemical in the brain, and foods rich in protein, said Grant Brinkworth, PhD, chairman of the researchers.

No make thin, even fatter
Depression and stress experienced by people who avoid carbohydrates in the long run will undermine their efforts to stay slim. The reason for the stress hormone cortisol cause high levels, which boost the appetite and cause your food cravings, according to obesity specialists, Elissa Epel, PhD, who is also a visiting professor at the University of California, San Francisco Department of Psychiatry.

Did not last long

Diets low karbo at most will only last six weeks, or a maximum of six months. Research also shows that people are more difficult to discipline on the low diet than the high karbo. A recent study conducted by Harvard University showed that of 322 dieter, only 78 percent who remain disciplined with a diet low in long-term karbo. While those who remain faithful to the diet high in karbo after two years, the number reached 90 percent.

Make flatulence

What makes your stomach bloated so it is difficult to link buttons on pants or close ? It was not just rice. According to the National Institute of Digestive Diseases, flatulence is one of the symptoms of constipation. And, constipation is a side effect of a diet low in karbo.

In one study, as many as 68 percent of participants who apply a diet low in karbo complained of constipation. Compare this with only 30 percent of those who were not dieting at all, or 35 percent are eating more carbohydrates.

So craving more carbohydrates

Diets often fail because of low karbo you start to crave carbs more "kick" in the stomach. In a study from the University of Toronto, half of 89 women were asked to limit the number karbo consumed, whereas the other half did not. After three days, when both groups are served breakfast for the test and asked to eat whatever they want, women who followed a diet low in karbo tend to choose high-fat and high calories (like croissants), whereas a diet high karbo still follow the pattern diet.

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Diet for human age of 30 years

Once entering the age of 30 years, many people feel his body getting heavier and wider. Unfortunately, all attempts to lose weight try, but the results are not in line with expectations.

Do not be surprised since the age of 30 years after entering the body begins to efficient use of energy so that energy reserves in the body become abundant. Excess body was later converted into fat that fester in the abdomen, hips, thighs, and arms.

So no wonder that the age increases, body size increases, too. Therefore, health experts recommend that adults should keep exercising for the excess energy is used and not stored as fat.

In addition, energy intake must also be considered in order not to exceed amount of energy used daily. In other words, once someone entered the age of 30 years he must adjust his diet diet alias.

Diet? Hearing that word because many people who shudder to imagine the torture of hunger. But, really a diet identical to the hungry? Lisa Drayer, a nutritionist in the United States, giving dietary guidance for those of us who are aged over 30 years and did not make the perpetrators of starvation.

In his book entitled Strong, Slim, and 30! Eat Right, Stay Young, Feel Great, and Look Fabulous, he suggested to eat every 3-4 hours. Setting this meal, he said, will not make dieters who usually leads failed tortured in the diet. But, of course serving food must be set for no more than 1,400 calories calories. The amount that he said fit for ordinary people who exercise twice a week.

The method offered a nutritionist who often appeared on CNN it was three big meals, ie breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as three times a snack or a snack. When a big meal used a third formula, which is in one serving of snacks eaten it consists of a third protein, one third vegetables and one third of the grain.

As for snack foods, Drayer has the formula ABC, ie, anti-aging (preventing aging), bone-building (building bone), and comfort snacks (snack that gives a sense of fun).

1400 calories
As already mentioned Drayer, in a day should an adult intake of 1,400 calories obtained from six meals. The amount that can be divided into 300 calories at breakfast, 400 calories from lunch, 400 calories more than dinner, and the remaining 300 calories from three times a snack.

Those numbers look easy in the context of mathematics, but in matters of food even so difficult. Like what is the breakfast of 300 calories? Well, this nutritionist gives the formula again. He said the breakfast consisted of 300 calories 5 grams of fiber snacks, confectionary containing 250 grams of calcium and protein, and one serving of fruit berantioksidan high.

Real example is one cup of cereal grains mixed with nonfat milk and berries. Or a piece of wheat bread spread with a tablespoon of peanut butter added 18 milliliters of non-fat yogurt, and a plum.

While for lunch and dinner formula used is one-third formula. This formula, Drayer said in his book, not only prevent excess calorie intake, but also increase metabolism, lose weight, give energy, prevent aging, and make the stomach not hungry faster.

The explanation given is that the protein is difficult to digest food so the body uses more energy to process it. In addition, the protein will keep your muscle mass so that the metabolic rate remains high despite increasing age. Another advantage of proteins is to prevent stomach hungry faster.

Meanwhile, vegetables are a source of vitamins and minerals to prevent premature aging and grains as a source of carbohydrate that gives energy.

During this time many people are lazy diet for fear of losing the opportunity to eat his favorite snack. Well, the interesting part of this Drayer book is when he's talking about a snack. He said, if the snack had become part of everyday life, why should be abandoned. However, portions needs to be reduced and adjusted its kind.

He gave an example, if a person very fond of coffee latte does not mean people should not get his favorite drink. However, the portions were reduced to one glass per day and milk used should be of high calcium and without fat.

In addition, Drayer recommends eating other kinds of snacks containing vitamins and minerals that have properties to prevent premature aging.

Lisa Drayer diet is also very friendly for fans of chocolate, ice cream, and biscuits as snacks still enter it in the list of foods. However, keep in mind the amount should not exceed 100 calories. Interesting is not it? There is no harm in trying you know.
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Most Popular Diets of 2011

Diets that promise drastic weight loss become a tempting lure for those who crave a slim body. Because of that, so there is a new diet method was introduced, many people in droves to try it. Sometimes, a new diet method was able to survive and give satisfactory results. However, diets that more often just a scene in the beginning when the newly introduced and then go away because they can not be applied.

Here are 5 popular diet method in 2011. Perhaps you've ever tried one of them.

Diet ice cube method of diet ice cubes (ice cube diet) is in accordance with its name. When you feel like snacking, just chew-chew ice cubes. But this is not just any ice, but ice that has been inserted Hoodia and is designed to eliminate hunger. Diet method is promising that your weight will go down in 40 days. However, the price of ice cubes to the diet is relatively expensive, around Rp 600,000 for 40 days.

Diet is only one kind of food to consume one type of food to lose weight is not something new. However, followers of this diet method is always a lot. In America, many people who claim to drop 10 pounds just by eating pizza alone or there are people who lose weight simply by eating frozen food.

Cold busting fat For the first time, the FDA approved the method of reduction of body fat with non-invasive technology. Without using needles or surgery, this method uses cooling methods to break down fat cells in the skin. There are two methods used, namely Zeltiq and Zerona. Both work for certain body parts that fatty, such as the thigh or abdomen.

Diet Dukan According to Pierre Dukan, slim French women not because of frequent eating cheese and window shopping. They follow a diet method occupation, namely a diet high in protein. Like the low-carb diet, this diet also has some stage variations, ranging from a minimum until finally only consume protein one day a week.

Diet liquid diet is already quite old. But this year, it became popular because of celebrities seen carrying a bottle BluePrint, liquid food brands. Liquid diet is divided into three levels, ie beginner, intermediate, and expert. The difference is the amount of vegetable juice and fruit juice consumed each day. Each level can be done 3-10 days, offers a 900-1100 calories per day. As with other dietary methods that limit the intake of calories, of your weight will go down if  1,000 calories every day. Although popular, many doctors do not recommend this liquid diet method.
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Maintaining Health By Foods

For all the body's need for adequate nutrition, nutritionists recommend we consume various healthy foods that keep changing every day. Here is a great blend of ideas:

Paired fish and broccoli efficacious against cancer 13 times more powerful than simply eaten on their own. So says nutrition expert from the UK. Sulfophrane in broccoli and selenium from fish helps inhibit the formation and spread of cancer cells.

Substance probiotics in yogurt healthy digestion and reduce bad cholesterol. While the banana is a source of prebiotic substances that feed probiotic bacteria. Both work together healthy digestion.

Turmeric contains anti-inflammatory. Coupled with black pepper, turmeric ability to prevent inflammation becomes more powerful.

Vegetables such as spinach contains iron absorbed by the body less than 10 percent. In order for optimal absorption, add sources of vitamin C such as red pepper.

Additional some purple grapes on apple slices beneficial to reduce the risk of heart attack. That's because apples and grapes are both rich in flavonoids. Substance called quercetin in the apple work synergistically with ketekin in the wine to prevent blockage of the arteries.

Tomato is rich in antioxidants called beta-carotene and lycopene. Tomatoes are a source of fat-soluble vitamins, so the need to blend a healthy source of fatty substances. Avocado or olive oil is good for tomatoes alloy
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Natural Medicine Overcome Headaches

Headaches can come anytime and also a variety of causes. Headache medicine's most widely used is aspirin and ibuprofen. For those who prefer using natural remedies, can try these tips to cope with headaches.
  • Add lemon juice into a glass of water or tea to relieve headaches. Aromatherapy from orange peel is crushed and then pasted on the forehead or temples can also cope with headaches.
  • Mint tea or peppermint water enough to help cope with headaches.
  • Drink water. Sometimes headaches come as a symptom of dehydration. Drink lots of water to meet the needs of the body, can relieve these headaches. Select normal or warm water because the water ice could even add a headache.
  • Headaches can be triggered by lack of vitamins or certain food allergies. Good eating habits and identify what foods give you a headache to avoid such interference.
  • Perform breathing in and breathing fresh air to relieve headaches.
  • Lack of sleep can also cause headaches. Especially if you work all day who make the eyes strained, easily trigger a headache. So try a short break.
  • For those of you who like to drink coffee, tea, or soda, may experience headaches due to caffeine content in it. It's okay to still drink craze, but choose the type of decaf.

Headaches easily occur due to tension or stress. If you're experiencing this, let the body relax. Able to perform massage in the neck, shoulders, temples, or arms.
READ MORE - Natural Medicine Overcome Headaches

Pepino, Fruit Pereda Sprue

Pepino (Solanum muricatum Aiton) is a fruit that is still a family with eggplant family. In Indonesia, this fruit was first imported in the Dutch colonial period. Pepino can flourish and thrive in the highlands and lowlands with special treatment. The fruit is also relatively cheap, the price per kilogram ranged between USD 10-15 thousand.

Reduce Constipation
What properties? In Indonesia, scientific studies of the pepino in particular has never existed. However, from some of the recognition and the emergence of some kind offer herbal products made from raw pepino are sold in the community, just give an idea if the fruit is believed to be efficacious.

As disclosed Munandar, a developer of medicinal plants in the area Ragunan-Pasar Minggu, pepino able to treat heartburn and thrush. Some people believe this fruit can also reduce the risk of constipation or indigestion and high blood pressure because the fiber content.

Abroad, especially in China, this plant several times studied and shown to have no toxic effects to the body. Now being developed seriously as a raw material medicine thrush because its vitamin C content and relief of constipation problems. Of Chinese herbal products made from raw pepino sold in Indonesia.

The emergence of the empirical recognition is actually quite reasonable for every 100 grams of pepino contain vitamin C of 25.1 mg, 0.6 grams protein, 26.6 mg beta-carotene, and 1 to 1.5 grams of fiber include food (dietary fiber).

Chart content pepino | Vitamin C
Pepito has a high vitamin C content. In 100 grams of pepino contained 25.1 mg of vitamin C. To get the maximum benefits of vitamin C, select the type of pepino fruit that is not too ripe. Preferably presented in a manner eaten fresh or juiced directly without any mixture.

Protein content in pepino approximately only 0.6 grams per 100 grams. It is less when compared with green beans. However, vegetable protein content in pepino assessed to help maintain digestive health and stamina.

Similar to vitamin C, beta-carotene content in pepino only of 26.6 mg per 100 gram. Beta-carotene is a provitamin A, which the body is converted into vitamin A. These vitamins are very useful in the process of vision, reproduction, and other metabolism.

Beta-carotene is also known as an element of cancer prevention, especially skin and lung cancer. Beta-carotene can reach more parts of the body in a relatively longer time compared with vitamin A, thereby providing optimal protection against the emergence of cancer. However, regardless of whether the pepino effective to ward off cancer, there has been no official studies to prove it.

Dietary fiber
Fiber content in pepino fruit is very good, reaching 1 to 1.5 grams per 100 grams. Fibre is needed by the body to lower cholesterol. In the digestive tract, fiber will bind bile acids (end products of cholesterol) and then released with feces. The higher consumption of fiber, the more bile and fatty acids released by the body.

In addition to preventing cholesterol, fiber content in pepino fruits are very useful in the digestive system, reduce the risk of high blood pressure, and good for heart health. Dietary fiber (dietary fiber) was able to shorten transit time, ie the time it takes food from the oral cavity until the rest of the food issued in the form of feces.
READ MORE - Pepino, Fruit Pereda Sprue

Reishi Mushroom, Cancer Prevention

Since ancient times, Lingzhi, Reishi or Ganoderma lucidum is believed to be immune enhancer. Its use is routinely believed to prolong life. The Japanese and Chinese have proved it since thousands of years ago. Li Shi Zen from the Ming Dynasty, a professor of Chinese medicine store in Ben Cao Gan Mu. He said, "The use of Lingzhi is widely will ensure a slender body shape and rejuvenation, enjoy longevity as an eternity ... .."

The Material Medical Classic of Shengnong also assess Lingzhi as the "crème de la crème" of herbal medicines, or herbal medicine the most sublime and noble without side effects.

Today, with the help of modern technology, the elements that cause this efficacious LinZhi be studied continuously and was clinically proven that this fungus has many benefits for health.

Prof. Feng-Lin Hsu, Ph.D, Professor and Director of the Graduate Institute of Pharmacognosy Science, Taipei Medical University, Department of Science and Technology Farmakognosi, Japan says, "With a host of experience and my research on traditional Chinese medicine in recent decades, I still have not been able to meet the coverage and understanding about the wonders of herbal Cina.Salah one great example is Lingzhi. In the last 30 years, a large number of scientists from around the world already menyelesikan some research in the medical field about lingzhi, "

And according to Hsu, the results of medical research about lingzhi mention that these fungi could inhibit breast cancer cells, supports heart function, optimize and regulate the immune system and other functions such as lowering blood sugar, cholesterol levels, prevents coughs and insomnia.

"Our research revealed that 495 mg Reishi or Lingzhi mushroom extracts which are composed with 5 mg of Reishi spore extracts as wecapsule on each item that we made. And this proved to double the benefits of Reishi in the market that never existed before. By bringing together the two extracts, each capsule contains polysaccharides confirmed 13.5 percent and 6 percent triterpene thus giving better health benefits by stimulating the immune cell division. B cells, T cells and NK cells and enhance overall immune system health, "explained Dr. Jia-Shi Zhu, MD., Ph.D, Senior Director of Clinical Pharmacology and Affais Pharmanex.
READ MORE - Reishi Mushroom, Cancer Prevention

Soursop Can Treat Cancer

Cancer can be treated by eating herbs or fruits. From many of these herbs, soursop have advantages over other fruit. Soursop is known to prevent and also effective for treating some types of cancer. "For the soursop itself has been studied to treat colon cancer (colon), lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer (breast)," said Dr. Hardhi Pranata, SpS, as Chairman of the Association of Physicians Medical Herbs Indonesia (PDHMI).

Part soursop useful for cancer drugs is the stem, leaf, and also fruit or in juice form. The fruit can be eaten straight, made juice, or leaves are boiled and then the decoction drunk.

"Either way soursop drink fruit juice or by boiling 9 soursop leaves and drink the cooking water and then monitored the situation. Usually appetite will increase and the growth of cancer cells is inhibited," said dr Hardhi.

He also explained, soursop contain saponin compounds, polyphenols, as well as bioflavonoids that have antioxidant properties. Well, how to kill cancer cells by soursop is different with other herbs. Soursop just kill the cells or abnormal growth of specific cells such as free radicals existing cancer cells. But soursop does not destroy healthy cells.

Besides having good taste, soursop fruit also helps maintain health, prevent disease, and treat disease. This is because the soursop fruit can also reduce blood pressure, anti-parasite, a sedative that works to increase immunity and to overcome depression, arthritis, and also for uric acid.

"Consumption of soursop fruit again this should be encouraged so as not to become extinct because of the many benefits that can be obtained by eating this fruit," said the doctor who practices at the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital this.

For in Indonesia, the research on the efficacy of soursop and other medicinal plants will be done in the near future. In this study, Dharmais Cancer Hospital will cooperate with Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine PDHMI facilitated. In this research, a combination therapy of drugs and herbs.

"This cooperation MoU has been signed and is expected to begin in December already begun to do research in Indonesia," added Dr. Hardhi.

He said that at Nanjing University, this combination therapy has been performed. Cancer patients there did not experience nausea, hair loss, weight loss, and could still walk around as usual.

Combination therapy is expected to reduce the side effects of standard cancer therapies that do, such as chemotherapy, radiation or surgery, and can reduce the amount of chemotherapy that should be done by the patient.

Plants and fruits that are known to have anti-cancer effects, such as:
  1. Tomatoes are known to treat prostate cancer, by eating tomatoes that have been boiled.
  2. Red pepper is known to prevent colon cancer if consumed in the long term.
  3. Grape seed is also known to have anti-cancer compounds. Therefore, if you eat grapes, look who has the seeds and eat with the skin.
  4. Red betel leaf is known as an anti-breast cancer by boiling.
  5. Wild Ginger is known to have active substance cursil that is as anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer.
"Some medicinal plants in Indonesia contain anti-cancer drugs, such as sitotoksin who has the ability to kill and detecting cells that grow abnormally. The compounds in this plant can function in the form of joint, but there is also a single," he said .
READ MORE - Soursop Can Treat Cancer

Grape Seed Prevent Cancer

So far, people familiar with wine as a delicious and healthful fruit. Did you know, eating grapes while its seeds are much more nutritious because the content of antioxidants that can reduce risk of skin cancer?

Some people would think twice if asked to eat grapes with seeds at once. It might seem strange because during the person intentionally discard seeds. In fact, while being engrossed in enjoying, would feel uncomfortable if there are seeds that get caught, and spontaneous. No wonder, people are looking for fruit wine with little or no seed.

From now on, throw it reluctantly. The reason, various studies reveal, in addition to antioxidant-rich, the wine was developed as potential anticancer natural remedies, especially reducing skin cell abnormalities due to exposure to sunlight. That is, such as skin and flesh, the seeds were abundant grape efficacious compounds.

That's the conclusion of researchers from the University of Alabama, United States, against mice. In his research, a group of mice without hair is exposed to ultraviolet light (UV). Some were given additional food (extract) contain chemicals derived from the seeds of grapes (grape seed proanthocyanidins / GSPs), whereas other rats given regular diet without supplements.

Based on the observations and results of laboratory tests, mice given the extract additional GSPs enough to react positively and effectively inhibit the harmful effects of UV, which can trigger carcinogenic (cancer originator.) Tumors in the body of the mice were 78 percent smaller than those not given the grape seed extract.

Press the formation of estrogen

In a presentation delivered Dr. Santosh K Katiyar in an annual conference of the American Chemical Society, mentioned that GSPs have antioxidant active. As is known, UV light can inhibit the immune system and these problems can be avoided thanks to GSPs.

He recommends regular consumption of GSPs extract as a daily supplement to enhance immune from attack of free radicals as well as reduce risks and avoid the dangers of skin cancer.

Meanwhile, researchers Shiuan Chen PhD from the Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope explained that the grape juice (with seeds) effectively suppress the growth of cancer cells by preventing the synthesis of the hormone estrogen plays a major role in the development of breast cancer.

Through lab tests, fruit juices and grape seed proved able to stop the production of the hormone estrogen in cells. Recent research using mice that planted tumor cells showed a tumor the size of mice given 0.5 ml of grape juice for five weeks only a third of which are not given the grape juice. Research last year showed that extracts of red wine (not white wine) contains compounds similar to those in grape juice and can suppress the formation of estrogen.

Choose a dark color

In the country I have found no formal studies, perhaps because our country is not a big wine producer and consumer. However, empirically, recognized the benefits of grape seed and fruit for health.

It was as disclosed Pudji Rahayu, developer of medicinal plants in Indonesian, West Java. It has long been his use of grape seed as a mixture of juice for immune-enhancing herbs.

"Do not a lot, just five to ten grains grapes when used as a mixture of fruits or other herbs. We suggest choosing a dark colored, like purple and blue, because more seeds. This method allows for the ability to chew it began to decrease, especially the elderly, "he said.

So, from now of course there's no reason to refuse to eat grapes with skins and seeds because they are more useful and efficacious.
READ MORE - Grape Seed Prevent Cancer

Garlic's/ Onion heart healthy

ONION (Allium sativum) is not only known as a spice in cooking the flavor, but it has long been used as a traditional herb for treating various diseases. Thousands of research also claims garlic able to overcome and prevent various diseases ranging from cancer to heart and blood vessels. Even so, not a few who claim that the efficacy of garlic has not been particularly significant in preventing and treating these degenerative diseases.

A study in Los Angeles, United States (U.S.) recently revealed new evidence that supports the benefits of garlic for the health of blood vessels. Garlic extract in pill form is believed to have great potential to prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis or thickening of the blood vessel wall tissue.

Professor Matthew Budoff MD and Naser Ahmadi, MD of Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, which concluded through the results of preliminary research that garlic extract in combination with vitamin B-12, folic acid, vitamin B-6 and L-arginine can inhibit the occurrence of atherosclerosis.

In his research, Budoff involving 65 participants, average age 60 years and have a big enough risk of heart disease. Participants were divided into two groups namely the mengonsumi pill containing extracts of garlic plus vitamins, while the other group were given capsules containing a placebo.

Participants were followed for a year and at the end of the study participants, 58 still survive. Regularly every month, participants should be checked for cholesterol and other blood elements. They also must perform heart scans at the beginning and end of the study.

From the research revealed, the development of atherosclerosis appeared rapidly in those who ate garlic pills than those taking placebo. According to the researchers, the findings were not influenced by factors such as age, sex, degree of severity of atherosclerosis in early studies, high blood pressure, cholesterol levels and diabetes treatment.

Budoff and his team did not explain the content of what is really the biggest influence for the slowing of atherosclerosis. However, garlic extract is believed to provide major benefits reduce levels of homocysteine, an amino acid associated with increased risk of heart disease.

Budoff hope this research will continue to reveal the potential of garlic plus vitamins in slowing coronary artery calcification. Budoff The results were presented at the American Heart Association's 2008 Quality of Care and Outcomes Research in Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke Conference.

The study was funded by Wakunaga of America, the which makes the garlic pill Used in the study. Had Budoff full control over the study.
READ MORE - Garlic's/ Onion heart healthy

Fruit Pinang | Drug Lumbago

Betel nut is a type of palm that grows in the Pacific, Asia and eastern Africa. The fruit, also called the nut, the fruit of plants that are traded. Betel nut is generally planted in the yard, garden, or grown. Pinang sometimes growing wild on the banks of rivers and other places.

During this nut is known as an ingredient for chewing is always used grandmothers. However, nut it can be used as medicinal ingredients. A number of diseases can be treated with areca nut, such as lower back pain.

That's because the nut has several properties that can cure the disease. Pinang, among others, are useful anthelmintica shed worms and adstringensia to shrink mucous membranes. Pinang also stimulates the (stimulant), stop the bleeding (haermostatica), and antisifilis.

Betel nut also contains alkaloid compounds contained in fruit and quite dangerous to the nervous system. When consumed, the fruit will cause nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, dizziness, and nervousness. To cope with this occurrence, drink decoction of the drug after a cold.

Example usage:
1. Lumbago
Pick areca leaf sufficiently, then washed and milled until smooth. Add coconut oil to taste. After that, heat briefly over a fire. In warm conditions, use to compress the waist the sick.

2. Wormy
Take 30 grams of powder of betel nuts, boiled in two cups water, boil slowly for one hour. Once cool, strain, drink well before breakfast.

3. Scabies
Take the nut seeds, then milled until smooth. Add a little water whiting until it becomes dough like mush. Use it to polish the affected body part scabies.

4. Ulceration

Take the nut, gambier, and whiting each about the size of lizard eggs. Take the tobacco of your thumb and a piece of fresh betel leaf. All the ingredients are mixed and milled until smooth. Smear at the scab that has been cleaned.

5. Dysentery

Take the areca nut bright yellow, then wash and soak in a glass of water for several hours. Drinking water immersion nut.

6. Cleaning and strengthen teeth and gums

Iris nut seeds thinly. Chew every day for a few minutes, then the waste is disposed.

7. Diphtheria
Choose a dry nut, then milled until smooth, brewed with ¾ cup hot water and one tablespoon of honey. Once cool, use to gargle's in the throat for 2-3 minutes and dump. Do it three times a day.
READ MORE - Fruit Pinang | Drug Lumbago

Betel For various Diseases

As a medicinal plant, betel benefit no doubt. If all this time people are more familiar with betel leaf green with antiseptic content, now there is kind of red betel believed to have a more diverse health benefits. During this time, people familiar with the green leafy plant betel hereditary utilized to address a variety of complaints such as nosebleeds, red eyes, discharge, making a loud voice, and more. Efficacy of betel leaf has been clinically tested. Until now, research on this plant are also being developed.

Traditionally, the betel leaf is used as a supplement in traditional ceremonies such as marriage customs in Java. Betel leaf is also used for dental hygiene and mouth with shrinking  (chewing betel nut).

However, recent red betel plant (Piper betle L. Var rubrum), because the rise is believed to have medicinal benefits are far more diverse. The form was far more interesting than regular betel.

Although not yet known with certainty the origin of this medicinal plant, red betel frequently encountered in various regions. For example in environmental palace of Yogyakarta and the slopes of Mount Merapi, Papua, West Java, Aceh, and several other areas.

Drug Whitish
In early 2002, in a village on the slopes of Mount Merapi, Bambang Sadewo herbalist, author of Exterminate Disease with Red Sirih, accidentally discovered this plant. Color glossy red bottom with no different leaf shapes from green leaves. Tamanannya panhandle elongated and segmented.
Sense of red betel leaves are very bitter. The aroma is more sharply when compared with green leaves.

Although the chemical constituents of this plant has not been studied in detail, the results are known krematogram red betel leaves contain flavonoids, compounds polevenolad, tannins, and essential oils. Effect of active substances contained red betel leaves to stimulate the central nervous and thinking power.

Red betel leaf has the effect of preventing premature ejaculation, antikejang, antiseptic, analgesic, controlling blood sugar, liver, diarrhea, increase endurance, and relieve pain. Also believed to be able to overcome pneumonia, bronchitis, gingivitis, bleeding nose or nosebleeds, and coughing up blood.

Red betel leaf extract is also able to kill the fungus Chandida albicans causes thrush. In addition, efficacious in the vagina, vaginal discharge and itching on the genitals, as well as a wound cleanser (antiseptic effect).

Empirically red betel leaf extract in a single use or formulated with other medicinal plants capable of limiting the variety of complaints. Examples of blood sugar disorders, acute inflammation in body organs, wounds difficult to heal, breast cancer and cervical cancer, leukemia, tuberculosis and hepatitis, hemorrhoids, heart disease, high blood pressure, and uric acid.

The results Andayana Puspitasari, Apt., Of Pharmaceutical Biology, Faculty of Pharmacy Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta, red betel contain flavonoids, alkoloid, polifenolat compounds, tannins and essential oils. Utilizing this red betel leaf, except in the form of fresh, you can also use the sun drying technique.

Bambang Sadewo herbalist explained, sliced red betel dauh has placed 60 percent dry winnowing covered with black cloth transparent. Closing with this fabric for the leaves do not obscure the wind.

Once properly dried, red betel leaf is inserted into a plastic bag or clear transparent bold. The goal, so the quality of red betel remains secure and can last up to one year.

Potions red betel, single or mixed
To draw on the red betel leaf, according to Bambang Sadewo herbalist, can be single or mixed with other medicinal plants. Here are some examples of red betel leaf ingredients for a variety of disorders:

1. Heart
Single herb: Take a betel leaf-sized pieces as much as 3-4 or 6-8 pieces of small size. Wash out, then sliced into small pieces. Boil the water as much as 4 cups (800 ml) to boiling and the remaining 2 cups, then strain. This herb is drunk while warm, two times daily before meals. Once drinking one glass.

Herb with other herbs:
- Prepare a medium-size red betel leaves as much as 3-4 pieces, 30 grams of acid leaf, 2 pieces of star fruit vegetables, tuber dry dea 3 grams of ginseng leaves 4 sheets. All material is washed, sliced into small pieces and boiled with three glasses of water (600 ml) until the remaining 1.5 cups. This herb is taken three times a day while warm. Can plus one teaspoon of honey. Once drinking half a glass.

2. Diabetes
Single herb: Pick three red betel leaves and a half old and the sixth or seventh leaf from the shoot. Wash all the leaves, then slice into small pieces. Boil the water as much as three cups (600 ml) to boiling and the remaining 1.5 cups. Drink three times daily before meals, to drink half a glass.

Herb with other herbs:
- Take three sheets of red betel medium size, 40 grams of bark that had been cleaned Gayam the outside, and 30 grams. These materials are brewed with 2 cups (400 ml) of water until boiling and the remaining 1 cup. Strain and drink twice a day every morning and evening before meals. Once drinking half a glass.

3. Mouth organ 
Fresh betel leaves as many as 5 pieces, washed and boiled in two cups (400 ml) to boiling and the remaining 1 cup. Refrigerate, and use to gargle three times daily.
Note: This herb is excellent for treating bleeding gums, canker sores, cavities, bad breath, and sore throat.

4. Coughing or appetite enhancer
- Prepare the red betel leaf that is not too old as many as 10 pieces, wash, then soak it in alcohol 70 per cent for 30 minutes for bacteria attached to the leaves die. Red betel leaves plus 100 grams of white sugar boiled with water 4 cups (800 ml) to boiling and the remaining one cup. Once cool, pour into a clean bottle and sterile. This herb can be taken three times a day, to drink a tablespoon.

5. Female organs
- Scarlet betel leaves by 8 sheets washed, then sliced wide as 1 cm. Boiled with 800 ml of water until boiling. After a cold, used to clean the female organs twice daily.

6. Sore eyes- Take the red betel leaves are rather young (fifth leaf from top) in 4 pieces, wash. Boil two cups water to boil and the remaining one cup. Once cool, the water used to soak a sore eye.

How to use: Eye clean (wash) and then soaked with boiling water to taste red betel using special glasses. Use no more than three times a day to avoid irritation to the lining of the eye.

Before use, the cooking water should be deposited first. Use boiled water which nodes to avoid irritation to the eyes.

To obtain information on the research thesis titled Isolation Identification of Flavonoid Compounds From Red Betel Leaf (Piper betle L. var rubrum) Dewi Noer ATA please send email to hendi.burahman @
READ MORE - Betel For various Diseases

Infant Swimming Prohibited

Germany's Federal Environment Agency (Uba), the German environment agency last week issued a recommendation to the parents who have infants with a history of allergies to avoid swimming in the pool is closed (indoor) because it can trigger asthma.

Environmental Agency states the potential for asthma comes from nitrogen trikrolida, known as trikloramin, which will be released when water containing chlorine reacts with urine, sweat or other organic compounds derived from the swimmers.

"It is not possible if damage to lung tissue at an early age can cause asthma. Trikloramin Moreover, data concerning the effect of this is lacking," they wrote in a statement.

They also suggested that parents who have babies younger than two years and have a family history of severe allergies to not bring her baby to swim. It is considered as a preventive until proven safe.

President Uba, Jochen Flabrth also ask the swimmers to pay more attention to cleanliness and the pool owners are advised to reduce risk by using the latest water treatment technology.

"Swimming is a healthy sport for kids and adults. Therefore, to prevent side effects trikloramin, each person should rinse his body with water before swimming," said Flasbarth.

A European study published in 2006 found a high incidence of asthma and wheezing cough in children aged 13-14 years when they use the pool closed.

Research carried out at the pool Britain in 2003 also found that a high protein in the blood triggers trikloramin young swimmers and also the parents who just sit in the pool area and not dive into the pool.
READ MORE - Infant Swimming Prohibited

Importance of Health | Health Mind
The mind changes from time to time. The mind is a chain that has no beginning, like a river current is flowing continuously. State of mind before raising the current state of mind, which in turn produces the next state of mind, and so on.

The mind is a general name given to the experience of conscious and unconscious, each person is the center of the world of ideas, views, feelings, memories, and fantasies, all of this is mind.

The mind is not a physical tangible object that has the ideas and feelings, it is these experiences. Therefore, out of shape, the mind is different from the body, although the mind and body are interconnected and interdependent.

The conscious mind are brought into our bodies by physical energy are smooth, which also controls movement and body function. This relationship explains the "why?" for example, pain and physical discomfort can affect our minds, and why in turn, can generate a mental attitude as well as well as treat problems associated with the physical body.

The mind can be analogous to the ocean, and momentary mental events such as happiness, resentment, delusion, and boredom like waves that appear and disappear on its surface. As the waves can subside to bring calm seas oceans, so too might have to calm the turbulence of our mind to reveal the nature of a pure natural clarity.

The ability to do this lies in the mind itself, and the key to the mind is meditation
READ MORE - Importance of Health | Health Mind

The importance of health | Health physical and spiritual

health center
Teenagers are part of the assets of a developing country, the presence of very young people affect the environment. When teens are stuck on world destruction, then it will be a time bomb for the environment or the country. Start from the beginning should be a positive emphasis on the behavior of teenagers today, so that they one day not be a time bomb that will destroy its environment. All persons responsible for the teenager and it was not just handed to parents alone, social institutions and all institutions are required also in making a positive emphasis on youth.

Positive emphasis that made the teen not only on bergaulnya world alone, but more important is his health. Starting physical health to spiritual health conditions as well as the relation of physical health and spiritual health of a person directed to oneself. For physically healthy to do with sports, activities gestures often do, eat and drink that refreshes the body. So also in maintaining spiritual health, spiritual health can be maintained and managed through the activities of worship as a form of communication of a religious believers and God.

In schools need also held training for youth in maintaining health, whether it be in the form of theory or practice directly. Health can be emphasized through a variety of media, this proves that health is very special to life. Currently health care is only done by the hospital alone, so the attitude that makes some important elements such as parents, society, social institutions and others paid little attention to the importance of health for life. This is evidenced by the habit if you have a sick society, they will go directly to the hospital. Though sick person does not have to be cured by medical institutions such as hospitals only, but everyone has a right to cure.

Therefore, from this moment let us learn about the world of health. For us to maintain and treat the pain of our own ability, so do not feel loss to recognize some illness and its cause.
READ MORE - The importance of health | Health physical and spiritual

Type Mental Disorders

The definition of mental health is very ideal, so if the definition is used as a benchmark so many of us who fall into unhealthy psychological conditions. Why? Is not if we have a jealous nature, we have entered in unhealthy conditions.

Many psychiatric disorders that arise in human life begins by low emotional intelligence because it is not able to control emotional impulse, burdening the soul with thoughts, feelings and actions that continue to damage the health body and soul. Nevertheless there are some psychiatric disorders due to organic factors.

Mental disorders can also be interpreted as a condition or a negative psychological situation, causing the behavior, thoughts, and feelings do not fit with their environment.

Stress Situation

According to health experts, psychiatric conditions that could have been a stressful situation. Stress is very varied. Which cause interference is called distress, while encouraging called eustress, and that does not cause any significant or neutral called neustress. There are many sources of stress, frustration, conflict, pressure, change and openness. Frustration is a moment in which individuals experienced a situation can not be separated from the state is hampered achieve what he wanted. Conflict, is also a moment where the individual can not choose the option that possible. Pressure is also a moment when someone feels compelled to do something that does not want him to do. Change is a change of circumstances or conditions that he can not tolerate, either because it is too big or too fast. Openness is a moment when a person is unable to determine what, where, or when something is stated / expressed / demonstrated as well as what, when, and where things should not be declared / deemed private (privacy).

That mild stress does not cause problems and influence; the standard is even to improve the quality of the individual. That bring disturbance is excessive stress. Heavy, light, or is a subjective measure. Capability is called stress tolerance. So, someone who is experiencing stress are those that tolerance to stress is smaller than the magnitude of stress perceived / comprehended.

Classification of Mental Disorders
Classification Guidelines for Diagnosis of Mental Disorder (PPDGJ) make the classification of psychiatric disorders as follows:

    * Disturbance psikomatik (eg schizophrenia)
    * Anxiety disorders (eg panic attacks, phobias)
    * Mood disorders (eg, bipolar mood, depression)
    * Amnestic disorders (eg amnesia)
    * Disturbance dissosiatif (example: multiple personality)
    * Somatization disorder (eg, hypochondria, pain, conversion)
    * Sleep disorders (eg insomnia, nightmares)
    * Eating disorders (eg obesity, anorexia, nervosa, bulimia)
    * Sexual harassment (eg, premature ejaculation, dysparenia, vaginismus)
    * Impaired impulse (example: Kleptomania, pyromania)
    * Personality disorders (eg eksploitative, paranoia)
    * Substance dependence disorders (eg alcohol addict, heroin addict)
    * Factitious disorders (eg, Munchausen)
    * Adjustment disorders (eg adjustment disorder)
By increasing the emotional intelligence, human beings are expected to be able to prevent, avoid or minimize the types of psychiatric disorders is thus able to live life well and capable of taking life choices are wise.
READ MORE - Type Mental Disorders

Health For Human

Have you ever felt eating feels good, do all feel passionate and fun activities? If so, then at that time you are in good health. How nice if we are in healthy condition, we can do anything. Conversely, do you ever feel the whole body is weak, tired, and fever so that we can not do all the activities properly.

Understanding Healthy
The term healthy in everyday life is often used to declare that something can work normally. Even inanimate objects such as vehicles too, if it can function normally, it is often said that the vehicle owner in a healthy condition. Most people say well if the body feels fresh and comfortable. Even a healthy patient if the doctor said that based on the audit did get a whole body of the patient to function normally. However, understanding the true sense is not so.

Understanding health care today is more extensive and dynamic, compared with previous limits. This means that a person's health is not only measured by the physical aspects, mental, and social, but also of productivity measured in terms of having a job or produce anything economically.

For those not entering the workforce, children and teenagers, or for those who are not working (retirement) or old age, apply the meaning of socially productive. For example, socially and economically productive for students of schools or students is to achieve good performance, being socially and economically productive for old age is having a social and religious activities bermanfat, not only for himself, but also for others or the public.

The four dimensions of health influence each other in realizing one's health level, group or community. That is why, it contains four comprehensive health aspects. Embodiment of each of these aspects in a person's health, among others, as follows:

1. Physical Health
Achieved if a person's physical health is not felt and complained of pain or the absence of complaints and objectively did not look sick. All organs functioning normally or not susceptible to interference.

2. Mental Health
Mental health or mental health includes 3 components, namely the mind, emotional, and spiritual. Healthy mind is reflected in the way of thinking or way of thinking. Emotional health is reflected in the ability of a person to express his emotions, eg fear, joy, worry, sadness and so forth.

3. Social Health
Social health proved if one is able to relate to other people or other groups as well, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion or belief, social status, economic, political, and so forth, as well as mutual tolerance and respect.

4. Health Economics
Healthy when viewed from the economic aspect visible when a person (adult) productive, in the sense of having activity that produces something that can contribute to his own life or his family financially. For those who are minors (students or students) and elderly (retired), with this limitation shall not apply itself.

Therefore, for the group, which applies is socially productive, that has activities that are useful for their later life, such as for students or student achievement, and social activities, religious, or other community services for the elderly.
READ MORE - Health For Human
