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Importance of Health | Health Mind
The mind changes from time to time. The mind is a chain that has no beginning, like a river current is flowing continuously. State of mind before raising the current state of mind, which in turn produces the next state of mind, and so on.

The mind is a general name given to the experience of conscious and unconscious, each person is the center of the world of ideas, views, feelings, memories, and fantasies, all of this is mind.

The mind is not a physical tangible object that has the ideas and feelings, it is these experiences. Therefore, out of shape, the mind is different from the body, although the mind and body are interconnected and interdependent.

The conscious mind are brought into our bodies by physical energy are smooth, which also controls movement and body function. This relationship explains the "why?" for example, pain and physical discomfort can affect our minds, and why in turn, can generate a mental attitude as well as well as treat problems associated with the physical body.

The mind can be analogous to the ocean, and momentary mental events such as happiness, resentment, delusion, and boredom like waves that appear and disappear on its surface. As the waves can subside to bring calm seas oceans, so too might have to calm the turbulence of our mind to reveal the nature of a pure natural clarity.

The ability to do this lies in the mind itself, and the key to the mind is meditation


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