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Pain Relief Drugs Dangerous For Babies

Most pregnant women experience a variety of  complaints  of pain, such as stiffness, pain around the pelvis, migraine, and so forth. Nevertheless, pregnant women  are advised  to be careful in taking pain medication  for fear interfere with the development of sex organs male babies.

The warning was delivered by the experts that was published in the journal Human Reproduction. According to the study, use of pain medication in the long term can lead to a baby boy so impaired testicular sperm cells produced poor quality and can cause fertility problems.

Pain relief drugs, such as paracetamol, aspirin, or ibuprofen, are widely consumed by pregnant women to cope with pain disorders, especially migraine. Taking drugs such analgesik, especially when taking the two drugs, will increase the risk of testicular disorders.

The most vulnerable period of pregnancy the fetus is a health threat during fetal age 4-6 months. Compared with women who are not taking pain medication, risk taking painkillers was two-fold higher.

The researchers also suspect, the use of pain medication without medical supervision may be the culprit of the increased disorder of reproductive organs in baby boys this past decade. Other factors that also affect the exposure to the chemicals known as endocrine or hormone bully.

"Pregnant women should reduce the consumption of analgesic drugs, even to avoid it during pregnancy,"advises Dr. Henrik Leffers, senior researcher from the Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, Denmark.
READ MORE - Pain Relief Drugs Dangerous For Babies

Effects of drugs on pregnancy

Pregnant women who consume drugs pain relief  category  codeine,  oxycodone  and opioids on high-risk early pregnancy gave birth to  babies  with congenital defects.

Although the number of cases is small, but the babies whose mothers consumed opioids have a higher risk than other babies to suffer from congenital defects.

Types of abnormalities that may be suffered by infants include heart is not fully developed, neural tube defects (spina bifida), or gastroschisis (bowel is outside the body).

Conclusions are derived from research by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States, which is one of the largest studies on the effects of opioids in pregnancy. The results of this research published in the American Journal of Obstretic & Gynecology. The study was conducted based on data the National Birth Defect Prevention Study involving pregnant women from 10 states who gave birth between the years 1997 to 2005.

Of the 17 thousand pregnant women who delivered babies birth defects, 454 or 2.6 percent reported using opioid analgesics type a month before pregnancy or in the first tri-semester of pregnancy. As a comparison of the control group, the use of opioids accounted for two percent.

"Opioids and their receptors act as growth regulators during embryonic development. This may lead to defects in the fetus," said Cheryl S. Broussard, lead researcher.
READ MORE - Effects of drugs on pregnancy

nine as sources of Vitamin D

Double benefit of vitamin D, not only as a reinforcement of bone but also prevention of various diseases is increasingly revealed. To get all these benefits, we are advised to consume 400 IU of vitamin D each day and 200 IU for adolescents less than 18 years.

Vitamin D deficiency linked to many chronic and life threatening diseases, like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and memory loss. Fill your body's need for vitamin D through the following sources:

About 80 percent of the vitamin D we need comes from the sun. The recommended time for sunbathing is at 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 throughout the body for 10 minutes. To prevent the risk of skin cancer, avoid exposure to sunlight at 09.00 - 15.00.

Fish oil

Post fish oil supplements a bad taste. However, currently available in the market a variety of fish oil supplements that make it more comfortable on the tongue. Other than fish oil supplements rich in omega-3 turned out to also contain vitamin D which is quite high.

This includes fish rich in omega-3. Available in the form of frozen fish, fresh or canned. Salmon contain vitamin D were four times more than agricultural products.

Tuna is a type of sea fish which is also rich in vitamin D, but also high in protein and omega-3.

Cow's milk, whether it is a full-fat or skim, naturally contain vitamin D and is also fortified with other essential nutrients. One glass of milk contains about 100 IU of vitamin D.

Most products are ready to eat cereals on the market are fortified with vitamin D. Combine your cereal with milk rich in vitamin D as part of a healthy menu every day.

With content of about 21 IU of vitamin D in egg yolks and pure proteins in the whites, eggs are a nutritious food that must be consumed.

According to a study published in the Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, white button mushrooms exposed to ultraviolet B rays for several hours to contain vitamin D is about 400 percent higher.

Shrimp is a source of omega-3 is high in protein but low in fat and calories. Shrimp served in a 85 g dose contains 129 IU of vitamin D.

Health Center For Human
READ MORE - nine as sources of Vitamin D

Effect of Vitamin D Deficiency in Children

Children who lack vitamin D tend to have food allergies  and also from environmental  allergies  (allergic stub) compared with children who are enough vitamin D. Several studies have proved this.

Research shows that children who have vitamin D deficiency is 2.3 times higher risk of suffering from skin allergies oak and 2.4 times more likely suffer from peanut allergies. They are also more susceptible to some types of allergens, such as weeds, dog, cockroach, shrimp, and dust.

The study was conducted by measuring levels of vitamin D in the blood. Children with vitamin D levels was 15 nanograms per milliliter of blood deficiency of vitamin D.

Research also found, in the United States, the number of people who are deficient in vitamin D and allergy sufferers to rise. "The results of this study indicate that the two phenomena might be related to each other," said the researcher.

Vitamin D is believed to have anti-inflammatory effects in the body. Previous studies showed that the number of people who visited emergency rooms due to food allergies tend to increase in winter. Levels of vitamin D in the body are also known to be at the lowest level this season because the skin cells need sunlight to produce vitamin D active than other components in the body.
READ MORE - Effect of Vitamin D Deficiency in Children

Six types of liver disease destroyer

The liver is the organ in the body that has the important and complex task for the sake of continuity of all functions of the body. Because of its complexity and many are dealing with materials potentially damaging, like chemicals in blood, liver consequently vulnerable to injury. But, naturally, the liver has the ability to protect itself by regenerating.

In general there are several diseases caused by viruses that can attack the liver:
1. Hepatitis
Hepatitis, or inflammation of the liver is the most common disease attacks the liver. There are several types of hepatitis, namely hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, and autoimmune hepatitis caused by agents that trigger the immune system attacks liver cells.

Almost all people with hepatitis A previously healthy will recover and do not develop into chronic. About 90 percent of people with hepatitis B will also be healed. While hepatitis C and steatohepatitis nonalkoholik often develop into chronic hepatitis.

2. Hemokromatosis
The disease is caused by a genetic disorder that causes the intestine to absorb too much iron so that the levels are excessive. Excess iron is going into the blood flow and accumulate in certain organs, especially the liver.

3. Cirrhosis
Cirrhosis is characterized by progressive liver damage and can not be repaired. Often caused by infection, hepatitis B and C chronic, excessive alcohol use, or autoimmune disease.

4. Liver cancer
Usually liver cancer originating from other parts of the body and then spread to the liver. Liver quite vulnerable to attack cancer cells.
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5. Liver abscess
Abscess, fluid or pus that meets the cavity, sometimes formed in the liver due to bacterial or parasitic infections. If caused by bacteria usually immediately followed by fever and chills. While the abscess because the parasite develops more slowly. The disease is identified by CT scan or ultrasound of the liver.

6. Congenital disorders of the liver
There is some inherited liver disorder and is usually seen when childhood.
READ MORE - Six types of liver disease destroyer

Six benefits of water for your life

Water exist in this world in order to have the benefit of all beings, especially to human beings as the primary user. Water has a variety of benefits for human health, including:

1. Maintain body fluid balance.
Medical facts show 60% of the human body consists of fluids. The functions of this fluid is to the process of digestion, absorption, circulation, saliva production, transport nutrients and maintain body temperature.

2. Help control calories.
People who are undergoing the diet habit drink plenty of water as a strategy to lose weight. Although water does not produce magical effects, use it as a substitute for high calorie drinks, of course, would be very helpful. "Diet program will succeed if you choose water or non-caloric beverages instead of caloric beverages. Then the diet with foods rich in a more healthful liquids, contain and help you cut calories," said researchers from the University State of Pennsylvania Barbara Rolls, PhD , author of The Volumetrics Weight Control Plan.

3. Helps generate muscle.

The cells are not able to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance would be, would result in muscle fatigue. When muscle cells do not have enough fluids, they will not function properly and abilities reduced. Drinking water during exercise is also very important. American College of Sports Medicine recommends that two hours before exercise should someone drink 17 ounces of fluid.

4. Making the skin glow.
Your skin actually contains a lot of water and serve as a fortress to prevent excess fluid loss. However, do not expect that the excess fluid can be used as an effective way of eliminating wrinkle lines on the skin.

5. Maintaining kidney function
Body fluids is a medium for transporting the waste or waste to exit and enter the cell. The main toxins in the body is blood urea nitrogen, a kind of liquid that can pass through the kidneys to then-processed and expretion in the form of urine. When the body has enough fluids, urine will flow freely, clear and odor free. When the body does not have cuku fluid, urine concentration, color and odor will be more subtle because the kidney must absorb the extra fluid to perform its functions. No wonder when you drink a little water, your risk of kidney stones will rise, especially in warm or hot climates.

6. Maintain normal bowel function.
Adequate fluid intake will make food through the digestive tract can flow smoothly and prevent consentration. When you do not have enough fluids, bowel will absorb liquid from the stool or feces to maintain hydration. The result, of course, your bowel movements will be problematic.

One way to select clean water for consumption is to use a water filter, let's take advantage of  clean  water  for health. You can use a water filter  PUR DS-1800Z 2-Stage Water Dispenser
READ MORE - Six benefits of water for your life

Effect of Pain Reduction Drugs To Men

For men who routinely downed painkillers should begin to be wary. The use of drugs or pain relievers often called the painkiller that is too often associated with alleged sexual dysfunction among men.

A recent study published in the Journal of Urology indicate a link between impotence and the use of drugs painkillers. This relationship persists even though the researcher has considered several factors such as age and some types of diseases that could explain the link.

Based on the research, men who regularly drank drugs such as aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and Celebrex at risk of developing erectile dysfunction (ED) up to 38 percent greater, than men who drank no drugs called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that.

According to the explanation of Dr. Joseph Gleason, urologist who wrote the study, pain relief drugs can indeed interfere with the production of hormones that trigger erections in men. It was at least able to help provide an explanation of the results of this research.

However, Gleason emphasized, this study proves that not all painkiller drugs can cause impotence. According to him, other factors not yet known it was possible to come into play as the cause of impotence.

For example, many men who take aspirin in low doses because of the conditions of a higher risk of heart attack. result, their blood vessels are not in good condition. By default, it also can affect the level of violence penis.

Dr. Brant Inman, urologist at Duke University Medical Center in North Carolina, who was not involved in this research said that "We refer to the penis as a thermometer for vascular disease or problem related to blood vessels,"

Dr. Brant Inman also says that, of the arteries in the penis is smaller than the channel that runs through the heart and, therefore, may be blocked for a few years earlier. Narrowed arteries that can obstruct blood flow which should make the penis grow and become hard.

Survey Results
In their study, Gleason and his colleagues analyzed the results of questionnaires about 81,000 men aged 45 to 69. About 50 per cent admitted taking painkillers on a regular basis (at least five times a week) and less than one third reported experiencing impotence ranging from mild to severe levels.

The man who claimed to regularly drank painkiller, 64 percent said they have never experienced an erection. While the men who pleaded not often use drugs, impotence was found only 36 percent.

After taking into account various factors, such as age, weight, tension, and a history of heart disease, researchers still found a higher risk among men who use the painkiller, which reached 38 percent of dis-affected by impotence or erectile.
READ MORE - Effect of Pain Reduction Drugs To Men

Benefits of Water For Your Sex

Action on the bed is not only exhausting, but also make you thirsty. Conversely, with enough water in your body, more powerful action you'll get when having sex. Various studies show that inadequate water needs to be an important factor in combating fatigue that makes many couples lose sexual desire while decreasing water content in the body and choose to sleep than have sex.

According to experts from Johns Hopkins University: Drinking water according to size is also one of a healthy lifestyle in addition to adjusting the diet and physical exercise. All that can reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease (heart and blood vessels).

Cardiovascular problems often occur in the lives of the men. Therefore caution. One of them try to consume enough water. Water also helps regulate blood pressure and improve blood flow capabilities. Two things are important in the process of erection in a man. "Hydrate or insufficient water in the body will also help the woman," says Dr Colin Wilson, B. Sc.

He says, water is useful for mucous membranes, helping to improve the cardiovascular system, urinary tract, and the most important sexual function. So, from now, many are drinking water for your sexual adventures.
READ MORE - Benefits of Water For Your Sex

Vegetarian Men Passion The sex Minim

Why would a man so obsessed with sex? Testosteron mastermind of pure hormone. This hormone is responsible for matters relating to the matters of sex, including male sexual characteristics, such as large muscles, the growth of whiskers, and so forth. However, did you know that testosterone is formed from cholesterol?

In the body, to increase production of testosterone, the hypothalamus will release chemicals to the pituitary gland, called gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). This hormone causes the gland produces two hormones, namely folicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). LH will be circulated to the blood vessels and up into the testes then trigger the production of testosterone from cholesterol.

That's why the consumption of cholesterol remains necessary, just do not overdo it. Low testosterone levels make him into a small muscle, bone mineral density decreases, and is certainly the sex drive or libido is low.

According to Dr. Hendro Sudarpo, Sp OG, from Siloam Hospital Lippo Village, Tangerang, Indonesia That "People who consume no cholesterol at all, sexual arousal is very low". If we take vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin E, magnesium, and zinc, cholesterol can by the body properly.

In addition to the low consumption of cholesterol, low testosterone can also be caused by the aging process or lack the necessary enzymes. However, the primary cause is the disruption of the testis, for example because there are congenital disorders, damaged by trauma, or a tumor.

However, keep in mind is excessive cholesterol intake can also cause erectile problems. Cholesterol can cause plaque deposits in blood vessels that will eventually clog the circulation of blood to the reproductive organs. In fact, good blood flow to be a prerequisite erections.

READ MORE - Vegetarian Men Passion The sex Minim
Babies under six months old should never be given water to drink. So that was reminded by scientists from Johns Hopkins Children's Center in Baltimore, United States, to the parents. Consuming too much water can increase the dangerous condition in infants, or the so-called water intoxication.

According to Dr. Jennifer Anders, an expert on emergency child of John Hopkins Children's Center, although the baby is very small, they have a thirst reflex or a stimulant to drink. When they feel thirsty and wanted a drink, liquid is required to drink breast milk or formula.

According to Anders, baby's immature kidneys. Give them plenty of water will cause the baby's body due to excess fluid out of sodium. Losing sodium can affect brain activity. Early symptoms of water intoxication is irritability (whining), drowsiness, and other mental changes. Other symptoms that may emerge is the decrease in body temperature, edema, or swelling around the face, and seizures.

The initial symptoms that arise are sometimes less obvious, so the new parents realize when their baby seizures. However, by rapid, seizure symptoms may not appear.

Parents also should avoid giving formula milk with excessive dilution, or a child drinks that contain electrolytes.

For some cases, it may be appropriate to give small amounts of water, for example in a state of constipation and during hot weather. However, parents should consult it with the pediatrician. The supply of water in the baby is only allowed as many as one to two ounces of water on each gift.

If parents feel their baby suffered water intoxication, or when their baby seizures, they should provide immediate medical attention

Benefits of water for pregnant women

One of the groups most at risk of dehydration are pregnant women, especially during the first trimester, since most also have to deal with nausea and vomiting. Unfortunately due to dehydration cycle again occur, nausea and vomiting caused by dehydration so that pregnant women do not get the nutrients, fluids and vitamins needed to stay healthy and enough amniotic fluid for baby to grow optimally. Therefore, mothers with early signs of dehydration should be taken seriously. If you are pregnant, be sure to drink mineral water at least one glass every hour because of mineral water is very beneficial for pregnant women.

What are the greatness of white water especially for pregnant women:
1. Prevent dehydration
The human body has a mechanism in maintaining the balance of water intake, one of them is a sense of thirst. For pregnant women, especially those who stepped on third trimester, dehydrated more easily experienced. Burning sensation caused by the enlarged surface of the body makes sweat out more than usual. The characteristics of mild dehydration your body:
• Urine orange, yellow or cloudy followed by a strong scent.
• mild headache.
• Mouth and throat felt dry.
• Nausea and felt like vomiting.

2. Streamlining the flow of blood.
Most of the components in the human body, in the form of cells and tissues, not only contain water but is continuously covered by water. Cells of the body including the circulatory need water to function properly. When water demand is not met, the body will 'suck' water from the body's own components, starting from the closest component of blood. Because the water in the blood is sucked to the purposes of the body, blood becomes thicker so that travels through the body to be not smooth. With the entry of water into the body, blood will need adequate water, the flow of blood to the body of the mother and fetus will pass by itself.

3. Preventing preterm labor.
Preterm labor is closely related to dehydration. Because the three-trimester severe dehydration can trigger contractions. As a result of preterm labor ensued. Mineral water will help to you body of fluid needs, and help you consume the nutrients flowing through the blood to the fetus. So that the fetus was getting nutrition he needs.

4. Discard the bacteria from the kidneys.
Fluid in the body is a medium of transportation of waste for disposal out through urine. In pregnant women, the enlarged uterus causes some urine is retained when urinating. It's dangerous! Because the residual urine is a place to breed bacteria. With enough mineral water to drink, then water can clean toxic waste from different parts of the body will be brought to the kidneys for disposal. Drinking mineral water can reduce the risk of kidney stone disease. The kidneys work hard to do blood screening. Lack of water can damage the kidney system, so the urine is deposited in the body can poison the body including the fetus.

5. Preventing Constipation
Some say mineral water acts as a purgative for the digestive tract. Right! For mineral water was smooth intestines. Moreover, the majority of pregnant women complain of constipation. Mineral water could be the answer to this complaint in addition to the importance of consumption of fibrous foods. Food that enters the body will be digested and run smoothly if there is adequate fluid intake. If you are less liquid, small and large intestine will still be working, but fluid from the stool will be absorbed to maintain in order to stay hydrated. As a result, bowel movements you experience any problems.

Thus, pregnant women are strongly encouraged to drink mineral water every day to get all the benefits, because it is healthier for mother and fetus
READ MORE - Benefits of water for pregnant women

Benefits of Water For Health

Water is one of the important nutrients, so be aware of the quality and quantity in the body. Healthy food will not mean much without consuming clean water.

"We always pay attention to four of five perfectly healthy, but we sometimes forget putting water into that category, even though we eat healthy foods that will not mean anything without enough clean water consumption," said Dean of the Faculty of Human Ecology, Prof. DR Hardinsyah in IPB Building a press conference at BPPT, Jakarta, Tuesday (14 / 7).

According to him, water is a substance that serves solvent dissolves the nutrients that enter the body. Without adequate water intake, metabolism in the body will not run smoothly.

He also said there are three benefits gained by the body which consume water regularly and fairly. First, the benefits of water for the intelligence of the brain.

"We forget that 90 percent of the components in the brain that is fluid, if the body is less water, then the brain will also be dehydrated," said Hardinsyah.

As a result, he added, the nervous system of the brain becomes obstructed labor. Moreover, if it happens repeatedly. The longer the nervous system work even more slowly and it was very influential on the level of intelligence.

The second benefit is an important and very good water for skin beauty. Especially for women, health and beauty skin gets special attention by making use of water.

"They are very aware if you consume less water will result in their skin," he said.

Related to that, he pointed out that the women who were in a cold area will consume much less water than when they are in hot areas. Their skin will feel dry because the water intake to maintain moisture levels to be reduced. "The third benefit is the water as a source of health," he added.

Hardinsyah explain, in stomach water should have a portion of the balance with other components. That, he said, so that food can be easily digested properly.

"In addition to facilitate digestion, the amount of water balance in the body also can suppress obesity or excessive overweight. Because drinking is enough to reduce the appetite so people will stay slim without feeling hungry,"
READ MORE - Benefits of Water For Health
