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Six benefits of water for your life

Water exist in this world in order to have the benefit of all beings, especially to human beings as the primary user. Water has a variety of benefits for human health, including:

1. Maintain body fluid balance.
Medical facts show 60% of the human body consists of fluids. The functions of this fluid is to the process of digestion, absorption, circulation, saliva production, transport nutrients and maintain body temperature.

2. Help control calories.
People who are undergoing the diet habit drink plenty of water as a strategy to lose weight. Although water does not produce magical effects, use it as a substitute for high calorie drinks, of course, would be very helpful. "Diet program will succeed if you choose water or non-caloric beverages instead of caloric beverages. Then the diet with foods rich in a more healthful liquids, contain and help you cut calories," said researchers from the University State of Pennsylvania Barbara Rolls, PhD , author of The Volumetrics Weight Control Plan.

3. Helps generate muscle.

The cells are not able to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance would be, would result in muscle fatigue. When muscle cells do not have enough fluids, they will not function properly and abilities reduced. Drinking water during exercise is also very important. American College of Sports Medicine recommends that two hours before exercise should someone drink 17 ounces of fluid.

4. Making the skin glow.
Your skin actually contains a lot of water and serve as a fortress to prevent excess fluid loss. However, do not expect that the excess fluid can be used as an effective way of eliminating wrinkle lines on the skin.

5. Maintaining kidney function
Body fluids is a medium for transporting the waste or waste to exit and enter the cell. The main toxins in the body is blood urea nitrogen, a kind of liquid that can pass through the kidneys to then-processed and expretion in the form of urine. When the body has enough fluids, urine will flow freely, clear and odor free. When the body does not have cuku fluid, urine concentration, color and odor will be more subtle because the kidney must absorb the extra fluid to perform its functions. No wonder when you drink a little water, your risk of kidney stones will rise, especially in warm or hot climates.

6. Maintain normal bowel function.
Adequate fluid intake will make food through the digestive tract can flow smoothly and prevent consentration. When you do not have enough fluids, bowel will absorb liquid from the stool or feces to maintain hydration. The result, of course, your bowel movements will be problematic.

One way to select clean water for consumption is to use a water filter, let's take advantage of  clean  water  for health. You can use a water filter  PUR DS-1800Z 2-Stage Water Dispenser


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