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Headache Alert | Health Center

Headache, dizziness or laymen call it, is a disease that affects many people. An estimated 90 percent of men and 95 percent of women had experienced headache.

According to Dr. Senjaja Muliadi SpS, neurologist from the RS Medistra Jakarta, head pain can be defined as discomfort in the top of the head of the eye or forehead to the back of the head.

"Pain is head of the most widely experienced by patients who come to the clinic is usually a tension type headache (tension headaches). Usually this type of drug is harmless and simply rest or paracetamol," said Dr. Senjaja in the seminar "Pain Management" held Tirtayu Healing Center in Jakarta, Saturday (29 / 1).

Nevertheless, he said, sometimes headache arise as a result of serious medical problems such as tumors or bleeding in the lining of the brain.

"Beware of severe headache, sudden and progressive or the longer the pain got worse," he said.
To make a diagnosis, the doctor will usually perform a physical examination and examination penunjuang such as laboratory tests or CT scan head if necessary.

"Recurrent headaches, recurrent and do not cause nausea, vomiting and mild intensity headache usually is caused by stress or fatigue,"


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