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Onions, Raw Natural Preservative

Beyond its function as a kitchen seasoning, garlic saving benefits as a food preservative. With antioxidant properties and antimikrobra, garlic is more beneficial than artificial preservatives. "The content of antioxidants and antimicrobial raw onions make it a good material for food preservation," said Jonathan Santas, researchers from the Department of Nutrition and Bromatology University of Barcelona.

Not only that, the flavonoid content of onions, which is beneficial to health, can improve food security. The results of this study put the garlic as a natural alternative to preservatives in the food industry. The study also revealed the efficacy of red onion. Phenolic compounds in it can prevent the development of bacteria, microorganisms that trigger food damage.

"Onions can effectively delay the oxidation of fats in the oil and water emulsions which will inhibit the growth of microorganisms in food," said the Santas who published his research in the International Journal of Food Science and Technology.

While previous studies showed that the flavonoid compounds in garlic have beneficial effects for health. Garlic is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, cardio protective, and antikarsinogenik. In addition to repel potent flu, garlic is also beneficial to relieve high blood pressure.

However, consumption of garlic for health should be under medical supervision. That's because uncontrolled consumption could attenuate the blood, limiting the ability of freezing, and may react negatively when interacting with some drug material.


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