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Sex-Stimulating Plant

Fenugreek is a grain that is a lot of growing in Asia and is generally used by the society of India as a cooking condiments. Fenugreek is also most commonly used in the manufacture of Curry.

But did you know other benefits behind the plants on this one? Apparently in addition to the marinade Cookbook, fenugreek also has benefits for enhancing male sexual arousal, as the result of research experts from the Centre for Integrative Clinical and Molecular Medicine at Brisbane, Australia.

In the study, experts piloted this to 60 herb plants healthy men aged 25-54 years old. Every volunteer taking any herb is as much as twice a day for six weeks.

The results show, the level of the libido of men apparently experience a change after monitored using the score. Within six weeks, their scores increased by an average of 16.1-20.6 or up 28 percent. Meanwhile, in another group taking any pills, a score they look much lower.

According to the researchers, fenugreek seeds contain saponins compounds which are expected to stimulate the production of male sex hormones, including testosterone.


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